Thursday, 29 May 2014

Laundry delights!

I visited Castle Ward in Co Down last weekend, a beautiful property owned by the National Trust and was particularly interested to see the laundry. I've written before about how much I love to wash and iron linen, but after seeing the equipment used in days past, I am very glad I am doing laundry in the 21st century!

Huge stone sinks each with a washboard and scrubbing brush at the start of the process, and then huge mangles. Not a spin dryer in sight!!

With all the physical effort of scrubbing and mangle turning, the poor laundry maids must have been exhausted. However, they still had the task of ironing ahead of them. No steam generator irons for these girls, but rather heavy cast iron smoothing irons which were heated on a central stove in the ironing room. I could barely lift them, and I can't begin to imagine how exhausting it must have been to spend hours smoothing linen for the household.

There were special implements for different tasks including a miniature mangle with ribbed surfaces called a goffering machine. This was used to give linen a frilled or goffered edge.

The main bench had a fascinating display of different pieces of linen, embroidered cloths, fine linen tablecloths with drawn thread work, bodices with lace trims, children's clothes with teeny buttons and ribbons and wonderful bloomers! Many showed signs of mending, neatly and expertly stitched.

So, as I tackle the next batch of linen which needs to be washed and ironed, I will thank my lucky stars for my trusty washing machine with high speed spin and my lightweight steam iron!

Castle Ward is well worth a visit if you find yourself in Northern Ireland. Situated on the edge of Strangford Lough near Strangford, it has extensive grounds with cycle and adventure trails, delightful gardens and the house itself is an intriguing mix of classic and gothic architecture - Lord and Lady Bangor, unable to agree on the style for the house, quite simply built one half in the classic style and the other in the gothic!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

My latest finds - wonderful Irish Linens

When I am back in Ireland searching for linens all too often I meet people who say what a pity it was that they disposed of family linens when clearing their aunt's house or their mother's linen cupboard! It is so frequently the case that these linens are marked with use and age, and it is assumed that no-one would want them. Then off they go to the charity shop, or more often they are simply thrown away!

Just recently however I was introduced to someone who had actually kept everything and she was happy for me to come and have a look at them. I went to her home and was thrilled to see 2 very large piles of assorted linens awaiting me. What a treat! I now have 3 very large bags in my studio which have to be sorted and the contents measured, listed, assessed for damage and then the job of laundry will begin. I absolutely love the process of restoring pieces like this. Some will be more easily rescued than others I hasten to add!

Here is just one pile of Fine Irish Linen with the tiniest hemstitching and drawn thread work; beautifully worked crocheted borders, skilful embroidery and openwork. From tablecloths to doilies, table runners to tray cloths, all have been used and appreciated over the years and display workmanship that we are unlikely to see again.

There's also a selection of hand embroidery from the 1930s, vibrant colour combinations cleverly worked on smooth Irish Linen. Everything from tea cosy covers to tablecloths.

And no home in the last century was complete without luncheon sets with Madeira embroidery or tea napkins with dainty embroidery.

So, I have my work cut out for me in the coming weeks, but it will be a pleasure to bring these beautiful pieces back to their former glory.